Saturday, September 22, 2007


A fairly mordid title. Last Thursday, I would have to say I saw possibly the worst sight in my life, but in comparison to the victims, it would be nothing. In the morning, just in my street, I saw a car hit another parked car and then just run away. The damage was not too great though, just a bent numberplate. Then my mobile phone case broke, at the station.

However, approaching university, I saw the aftermath of a horrific accident. In fact it was n the news with the title "Postie dies whilst doing rounds." My bus went past the scene where a truck had hit the postman's cycle at around 9:32am. I later found out the accident occured at 9:30am. So I saw the site before the police arrived. Basically, there was a postman, who intially I thought was just a bag of clothes lying on the road with no head, as in the head had been detached. There was "gunk" everywehere, and both the truck driver, who was later treated for shock, in addtion to another postman were on the phone. I cannot describe the sheer brutalness of the scene in words, but honestly I felt like vomiting as did most on the bus. I think the bus driver relaised that, as he asked "Are you all okay." to whihc I somehow nodded.

That scene, the brutalness remained with me the entire day. Everytime I effetcively was in class, that is what I thought about. But the real victim was the postman, out doing his job. And his wife (he had no children) in addition to the truck driver (accident was caused by human error). It is hurtful to think that one moment you have everything, and the next it is gone. That image will saty with me for a while, if not for the rest of my life. Little triggers, like seeing a postman deliver mail and a motorcycle on the road when I was driving with my mum (I gripped the wheel tighter and stayed well clear) but I have delat with it over the last week. I guess it just seems so much more real when you see the scene. I mean you hear it on the news but it just doe not connect with you. The harshness, brutal end of life. It certaintly has convinced me to be a responsible driver, and I beliver every drink driver/speeder should be forced t sit through hours of these images, just to get into their head that one second is all it takes to change the lives of hundreds.

My heart goes out to the family, and friends of the deceased. Recently I also heard Robert Jordan lost his fight against his disease in the last week. He was the author of the Wheel of Time series, a brilliant series with one novel remaining. He made a tremendous contribution to fantasy and has left instructions with his mangager and wife to finsih off the last WOT novel. I guess his legacy and life's work will be concluded. I wait to read his work in anticiaption. May he also rest in peace.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I have recently (a few months ago) decided to take to a sport in Winter, this being soccer, or football as it is known. Well having not played for a club before, I have not been very good in eight or so games I have played, but then again the sport is new to me.

But on Saturday I scored a GOAL. Given that most of the team did not bother turning up as we were playing in Keiler Downs (think of the furtherest place and then add another 20 minutes) I received a starting role. Things did not go to plan. as I landed heavily on my foot in the first ten minutes following which an opposition player kicked me in the ankle (accidently). So effectively I was hobbling around and still playing as we had no substitutes.

But then second half, proabbly the 60 minute mark, the ball went to me in the box, took one touch and shot, and it went in. My first GOAL in soccer. Nice way to end the season.

Incidently, my ankle/foot has swollen up extensively, and it hurts to walk. So I have been hobbling around for the last few days as well and even skipped cricket training, something I rarely do.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

An introduction

Well, although I have registered with this website for months, I finally decided to start today after weeks and weeks. This is a blog, one that will most likely be written not too often in, and also most likely not viewed, read or commented by many. yet, I will attempt to write in here once a week.