Thursday, November 22, 2007


Well I just got my P's on Friday, so I am pretty happy. Exams over, holidays and a new job in market research (first day is Sunday), so things are going pretty well. The job is temporory though, I really need something more stable instead of call center jobs.

My cricket score was 51, not 61 and since then I have only made 12 and 10 (2 sixes at GWSC though). Went to the Monash after exams party and it went allright but we left pretty early. BUT notheless I CAN DRIVE now. Just need to buy some P-plates.

It was pretty nerve racking but the instructor was pretty nice and we had casual conversations so it put me to ease. At the start though, the lights stopped working, so I had to make my way "on judgement." Got 90+% though.

I guess University was a big change, but I have not really done much. I mean debating was good, and I am sub-editor on the Monash Debating Review now, but it terms of social, mostly loner like beahviour. But made some new friends, andd at the moment I am pretty happy. Specially since we got FOXTEL for the summer. Everbody Loves Raymond, Scrubs, 70's show, LIVE cricket. It is brilliant.

Mr. Kevin 07, won, so it will be interesting to see how things pan out from here. But Peter Costello, pulled off the biggest suprise of all. I sort of feel sorry for him, if it is true that he was to be handed the prime minister mantle a few years ago in a dishonoured agreement. Still, John Howard has done quite a bit for us, a booming economy, and the work he did with gun laws was great. Hopefully Mr. Rudd, can keep our economy strong, and help out with indigenous Australians.

My relatives left for India. It was fun having them here, specially my four year old cousin keeping things interesting. My grandmothers is still here for two months.