Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ancora Imparo- I GOT IN!!!!!!!! and a broken window

Just found out I was accepted in the Vice-Chancellor's Ancora Imparo Student Leadership Scholarship program. It means I am one of 40 students who get to attend a leadership camp from the 21st-23rd of February next year (I know, this means I miss my brother's birthday on the 22nd), and 12 monthly seminars and some other functions. It is worth $1000 though, but its more about the skills I will develop during the next year. I am excited.

Apparently they recieved hundreds of applications from 1st year Monash Victorian students, then narrowed it down to 72 interviews and finally selected 40. I guess it is a great boost for confidence for me, and a wonderful oppurtunity. One goal down, now just need to transfer into Law. Exams are next week, and I am already two days behind on a study plan that started three days ago. I really need to get some work done.

On a side note, last week my tutor for Analysing Arguments did the most comical thing. A fly was buzzing around everywhere in our tute and I guess it sort of had captivated the classroom. When it came near him (and close to a window) he slammed his fist on it and said "Bye Bye fly." Well the fist went through the blind and smashed the window. Lucky no one was standing directly below. Soon, some facility guys came in, and told us to move rooms so they could fix it. It was funny, I felt sorry for my tutor, but we were all cracking up. At our new room, the guy who opened it saw the funny side to the whole event and said:

"Don't worry, there are plenty of fresh panes in here"
My tutor: "Can you please get my hammer for me"
The guy: "A bg strong person like you can use his fist"
Tutor: "That's true"

I hope he does not lose any pay over it though.

Oh yes, given I am in a brilliant mood, here's a great joke:

Q: When is a car not a car?
A: When it TURNS into the driveway.

Gotta love that
But one thing that is annoying me is my mouse keeps on going in random directions for no reason. Its really annoying when I play curveball, it cost me the chance to beat my top score.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats =)