Sunday, October 7, 2007

I "don't" like cricket, oh no, I love it

That title is the lyrics from a very good song.

On Saturday, I played Round 1 of the cricket season. It was a one-dayer (40 overs a side), and we ended up winning it by a substantial margin. I scored my seniors top score of 30, which was good, although I had a few chances. Even manged to bowl two overs for 0-4, so overall a pretty sucessfull day. The team, in the last three years has lost two semi-finals and the grand final, and last year I was twelvth man for the semi (since I joined midway through the season), so I am looking forward to a good season, with a premiership on the cards.

Have one last assignment due in on Friday, worth 25% which I need to start. I really need to be motivated for exams, because my Law degree is hinging on that. Apparantly, due its harder to get into Law this year through transfers (due to melbourne model and i think they have reduced intake), and my average is not too flash at the moment.

I finish relatively early this year, about the same as VCE. My last exam is on November the 5th, so a lot of free months coming up. Anyway, have my Monash Association of Debating (MAD) final barbeque followed by a Thai night after five which may include Thai food.

I have always wondered this, why do people always ask "Raise your hands if you cannot hear me up the back?" I mean if they cannot, then they are not going to raise them. It should be "raise you hands if you CAN hear me athe the back"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, Melbourne STARTS exams on Nov 5.